Krispie Cakes and Curly Locks – Living Arrows week 3 2020

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

Each week I like to (try and) link up to a series called Living arrows which is about celebrating childhood. You can find out more here

boy making chocolate cakes

Moose has to wear a patch over his good eye everyday at the moment. It’s only for a couple of hours and we try to get it out of the way by applying it in the morning but it can be difficult. He dislikes having it on and of course not being able to see well really limits the kinds of things he can do.

Last weekend I decided we should go old school and make some rice krispie cakes. Moose loved making them and it was a great way to fill his patch time.


teenage girl close up with very curly hair

Also this week, Bess turned 14. This is not the best photo I have ever taken, the lighting is terrible. However, it makes me smile. The night before, Bess had asked me to curl her hair using one of those chopstick style hair curlers. It looked really cute when she went to bed!

This was what she woke up to. In fact, this was after I had tried to tame it a little! As you can see from her gorgeous smile, I wasn’t the only one who found it amusing. That’s why I like this pic, it is a proper snapshot and one I am sure I will enjoy when it pops up on timehop every year for the next decade.



Living Arrows


  1. January 24, 2020 / 9:56 pm

    These are fab pictures – I love capturing the every day moments in my Living Arrows posts too. We’ve not made Krispie cakes for ages – I think we might melt down some of the Christmas chocolate we’ve still got and make some 🙂

  2. January 26, 2020 / 2:06 pm

    Ah Happy Birthday Bess! Her hair is hilarious! I bet it looked lovely before bed. I had an operation on my eye when I was a toddler and had to wear a patch over my good eye, and glasses, for a while afterwards. I feel for Moose – I still remember the feel of the patch and not being able to see that side. I hope the time passes swiftly for him x

  3. January 26, 2020 / 6:33 pm

    I hope Bess had a fab birthday. Moose looks like he’s having a great time making the Rice Krispie cakes.

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