About me. Easy, right? Wrong! #blogtober

I decided to join in with blogtober this year. Blogtober is essentially a series of daily prompts put together by Mandi at Hexmum for the whole month of October. I thought it sounded fun! 

So here we are on day 1. The prompt today is About Me, an easy subject right? Well, yes unless you are running on fumes and feeling seriously down about yourself. Are you ready for the pity party? 

I am joking, a little. I couldn’t put you through hundreds of words filled with what if’s and if only’s. It wouldn’t suit me anyway. A bit much for day 1.

tasha dewdney

Who am I?

I am Tasha. I am not happy with the way I look but I really like pasta sooo… I like to think I am fairly intelligent until I do something to spectacularly prove otherwise. This happens too often at the moment. The last time was when I managed to book a (non-refundable) hotel for the week before a conference I was attending rather than for the date needed. Happily I did manage to sort it out but it was expensive and involved many, many swear words. 

The time before that was when I designed some (in my biased opinion) awesome business cards but forgot to add my email address. That’s 2 in a fairly long list. 

I like to hide my insecurities behind humour and sarcasm. I don’t feel entirely comfortable telling you that.

What do I do?

I make clay (mainly wedding) cake toppers and have done for 11 years. I have made all kinds of things over the years and I absolutely love it! I am so grateful that I have been able to stay at home and still make a little bit of money to get by without having to worry about childcare. 

As well as playing with clay I like to spend my time writing my blog. I started the blog last November and now that Moose attends preschool a little more I find it relaxes me to take some me time to just sit and write something. 

Why Blogtober

Because as silly as it sounds, I want to learn to be more open. We are all on this silly journey together (eugh, I know) and maybe sharing with you everyday might make me feel lighter by the end. I hope you tag along and if you are taking part then let me know in the comments – I want to get to know you too! 





  1. October 1, 2017 / 10:32 pm

    I’m with you here. Sharing with strangers has to make you more open right!!! Love your clay work I’m always very envious of artistic types!!! #Blogtober17

  2. October 2, 2017 / 9:55 am

    Sending hugs! Don’t be so hard on yourself….
    Those wedding toppers are amazing! You are very talented!
    Good luck with Blogtober. x

  3. October 2, 2017 / 8:50 pm

    Yes! I know exactly what you are saying. As much as bloggers are said to be oversharers, I am rubbish at sharing anything remotely personal! Your clay cake toppers are pretty amazing!

  4. October 21, 2017 / 7:44 am

    Welcome to #Blogtober17, we all make silly mistakes, I usually turn up to birthday parties on the wrong day or two hours early or late, so you are not alone! Those clay models are amazing, what a talent. Looking forward to finding out more during October

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