“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”
This week was the children’s last one in their current years at school. Moose will leave reception and Bess will be finishing year 8.
In September Bess will begin her GCSE’s. It used to be a 2 year course but this year her school have decided that it should be spread over 3 years. Hopefully this way of doing things will work to her advantage! She wasn’t phased by having to pick her GCSE subjects but when she heard that instead of being accepted for her choice of Italian, she was being assigned Geography. Well, let’s just say that she was a little upset..
This pic was taken on the day she found out and she really was gutted about it – hence the brooding. She went to her Italian teacher the next day to explain why she wasn’t happy and was thrilled to hear that it had been an admin error and that of course her Italian teacher would welcome her into her classroom. Phew!!
To celebrate the end of their reception year, Moose and his classmates had a drive-in cinema experience. They were assigned family homework a few weeks ago which was to make a cardboard car for the drive-in cinema. Moose quite liked this although I maintain that it was actually a homework designed for us, the parents. Some of the other cars were awesome but Moose was so happy when he won the prize for the boys! (between you and me, his dad was pretty chuffed too!)
Moose’s car is amazing, well done and Bess is looking very grown up in that photo Tash.
Oh my gosh that car is amazing! I bet he loved it! x