“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”
Each week I like to (try and) link up to a series called Living arrows which is about celebrating childhood. You can find out more here
Last week I took a trip to London with Bess. Don’t get me wrong, I love to spend time with all of my children but having a bit of girly time with my daughter was just what I needed. London was great and we got to have a wander around Bess’ favourite part, Camden. She even posed for a couple of pics – is it a trip to London if you don’t get a photo of one of the underground station signs?
Last week Moose got new homework. At his school they don’t do weekly homework. They have projects – this can be a blessing and a curse if I’m honest. I do quite like his latest homework project though. The children are supposed to plant seeds and then keep a diary and update it. It feels more like an assignment for Moose rather than me this time around!
Moose is growing radishes. So far he is enjoying it!
I honestly don’t think I’d cope if the children had projects to do at home – our weekly homework is bad enough! I used to love Camden as a teenager too! x
We have weekly homework and ‘home learning’ which is tasks they have to do each term – it’s a bit of a pain but at least Toby is quite happy to do it, most of the time anyway!