We were sent this product for the purposes of writing this post. All opinions remain honest and our own.
Foam is a massive improvement on slime.
Spoiler alert. That is going to be your take away from this review. Honestly, I was so excited when I was asked if Moose would like to have a go at playing with the foam JUST BECAUSE IT WAS NOT SLIME!
Although I’m not massively fond of spending hours clearing away mess I am the first to say that sensory play is incredibly important. It not only helps concentration, memory and imagination but I have certainly noticed that if Moose is having a difficult day I can really see a difference when I sit him down with a sensory style play sesh in mind. It almost always gets rid of anxiety and melts away any feelings of frustration.
However, none of this is massively helpful when you are tried to clean slimey gunk off your lovely lounge rug though, is it.
With this in mind, Foam Alive is the answer.
What is it?
Foam Alive is presented in clear hourglass plastic packaging. It looks nice but my God it was a challenge to get into! In the end it took this 38 yr old Mother of 3 nearly 10 minutes to open – I ended up jimmying it open with a butter knife and a fair amount of force. On the upside at least you know that the lid is secure, this definitely won’t spill if you pack it for a holiday for example.
When you eventually get into the packaging you will be greeted by 2 colours of foam. We had green and purple. The colours were incredibly bright but lost a bit of their vibrancy once they were (inevitably) mixed together. I would love to see other colours added to the range.
What did we think?
I recorded Moose playing with the foam for a few minutes to show you what he thought.
As I said previously, I was just relieved that it wasn’t gunky! This stuff feels nice to the touch. There’s no noticeable smell. It’s not wet or sticky.
The foam doesn’t attach itself to fibres so no having to wash it out of clothing or off toys. This pack is less than £10 which makes it a really affordable treat for a rainy day. It would make a great birthday party gift too!
Foam Alive is available to buy from Smyths