This week Moose Is Beginning A New Chapter
He has been attending 2 afternoon sessions at preschool for a while now but this week will see him attend for 2 full days!
We are both looking forward to this immensely, we took a trip to the shops over the weekend and Moose picked out a lunch bag because full days means that he will need to
have a packed lunch. Incidentally Breadmakers by Panasonic are now on my wish list – the reason will become apparent later. I am definitely going to get some use out of one!
Suddenly I am panicking about what I can include in his shiny new lunch bag. I know he will eat fruit so that’s going in. Not bananas though for obvious reasons. When I was a child a standard lunch was a sandwich, fruit, crisps and a chocolate biscuit. I have it on good authority that including crisps and a chocolate biscuit will anger the packed lunch gods so they are out.
Problem is, Moose is not a sandwich eater. He likes bread. He likes filling. Assemble them into the form of a sandwich however and he is not a happy bunny.
I need to think outside the box
Maybe he doesn’t need a sandwich? I could give him bread but make it a bit less sandwich-ish in a bid to dupe him into eating it, right?
So here is the plan. A foolproof way of smuggling a main aspect of his lunch and getting past his sandwich radar. Drum roll if you please..
Pizza swirls
Moose loves pizza! This cannot fail. Plus it has the added benefit of allowing me to sneak some five a day in the form of the pizza sauce. WIN!
There are loads of recipes online for pizza dough. Here’s one from Honest & Truly If you have the Panasonic breadmaker (hint hint Mr G) then it’s even easier, pop your ingredients in and you are away. If not then you are going to be kneading.
Once the dough is formed. Roll your dough out, pop your sauce on the base and top with cheese (and whatever else your munchkin will eat. Here it’s ham and pineapple). I won’t patronise you with what constitutes a pizza. Surely everyone knows this information? Go here if you really need more guidance.
Resist the urge to cook the pizza as it is and instead roll it out to make a large pizza sausage. Yes, pizza sausage. Technical term for sure. Roll it nice and tightly or you will unravel and nobody wants that.
Now slice your sausage into 2″ thick rounds and lay those out on a greased baking tray. Don’t cook them yet. Let them sit in a warm room for about half an hour. This will give the dough time to prove and makes for a better dough. Now you can bake. 180 degrees for about 20 mins.
When they are cooled pop them in the fridge and eat cold in a packed lunch or warm them up for a delicious treat when your child is at preschool and you can enjoy peace and quiet! Oh how I will enjoy the peace and quiet..
Mummy & Moose
Disclosure: This post includes sponsored content but all views and opinions are my own.