Feeling All Blanket-ish

I hate feeling poorly. Hate hate hate it.

I spent Saturday with a bit of a headache and by Sunday this had evolved into a full-blown hide under a blanket on the sofa poorly head cold! I was just a groaning ball of symptoms, you name it I had it.

This is not ideal when they are things to be done and children to entertain. Not ideal at all. Usually I can manage, I pop a pill and just get on with it. As you Mums (and a few of you Dads) know it has to be done.                                                                                                               This time the pills weren’t touching it. I admitted defeat and bundled myself up for the day. MrG was on duty and did a good job of keeping the troupes inline – aside from us having to order pizza because of a lack of instant MrG friendly food in the fridge.

I found some herbal raspberry teabags in the cupboard which were <cough> only six months outside of their best before date so made myself a cuppa and added a big squeeze of honey to sooth my decidedly painful throat and some citrus to cut through the gross amount of mucus.

Nurse Moose

I snoozed for the best part of the day and in between naps, Moose did a very good job of playing nurse. He tucked my blanket in, gave me lots of hugs and brought me teddy bears and tissues as and when the need arose (it was a lot)

Admittedly I am still feeling rough today but I can’t sit on my hands any longer. Moose must go to preschool and I have work to do so I am dosed up and back to the daily grind. There is no doubt I will be off to bed early tonight but for now I will leave you with a few home remedies to try as recommended by some blog friends;

Always hot orange squash with a spoonful of manuka honey in it. That and vocalzone pastilles have seen me through many a performance with a horrendous cold! Maddy – The Speed Bump

Chicken noodle soup! I swear that stuff has magic powers when you’re sick… Kirsty – Life With Boys 

Hot water with honey & lemon juice! That, and sleep!! Sarah – Whimsical Mumblings

Hot Ribena! Fixes everything! Jon – The Money Shed

Manuka honey! Katie – Living Life Our Way

Rub vicks on your feet, socks on, works every time! Laura – Five Little Doves

A slice of potato on the inside of your socks To Reduce temperature whilst sleeping. It’s used commonly in Peru (we have friends there) and really does work Victoria – Mummy Times Two

Hot water, whisky and honey, if it doesn’t help get rid of the cold it helps me sleep through it
Kate – Modern Mum


Mummy & Moose

BRAT is the word of the day

The Lurgy Is Upon Us

Now that the children are back at school, we have tackled Bonfire night and Halloween and Christmas day is coming it’s time for the winter stomach bugs. They are inevitable in this house and my Facebook feed tells me we are not at all alone!


So, how DO we deal with a problem like Diarrhea?*


It is really easy for little ones to get dehydrated when they are suffering with vomiting and diarrhea. You can offer water and even milk if they will take it but make sure they are sipping, not gulping their drinks. I always gave Col & Bess fruit teas when they were younger. Ginger is a good one for nausea. If your baby has a bout of sickness it is safe to continue to offer them their usual milk and if you are breastfeeding and have a bout of sickness there is no medical reason for you to stop nursing – aside from feeling like shit obviously


Something To Nibble

While they are vomiting it is best to stick to clear liquids but that won’t be forever. It’s always tough to know when to introduce solid foods back into your child’s diet after a bout of sickness. Bland is key as is little and often. A good way to get them nibbling again without stressing out their system too harshly is by using the BRAT rule.

Bananas Rice Applesauce Toast 

You can’t really stick to this for more than a day or maybe 2 after the sickness has stopped so you should be re-introducing fruits and vegetables as soon as you can after your child starts to feel well.

It is very normal for a weaned baby/toddler to regress after a bout of sickness. Of course Vegetables are the first thing they cross off their list of must eats. Don’t worry too much about that, just let them take their own time.

I usually make some scones. You can add all sorts of things to them such as cheese or grated vegetables.


The most important thing to remember is this. It won’t last long and when it is finished you will have earned yourself a considerably large glass of your favourite beverage. If you can keep it down..

*You saw what I did there, right?