Meal plan – the is it really only Monday edition?

Do you ever start a week just knowing that it will feel like it’s a year long? This week is definitely one of “those” weeks.

Workwise I am happy enough, I have applied for a different position within the company and I am hopeful that it will be a positive change for me – as long as I can convince them to give me a shot at it!

Bess has had her first day at Uni, she has decided to skip staying in halls and is trying to secure a house with her boyfriend but for now will be taking the train from home. Incidentally, HOW MUCH to rent a 2 bedroom house these days?!

Moose is back to school and has been invited to a weekly booster session to help with his handwriting. He finds this especially difficult being left handed so I am really hoping it will help! We will support as much as we can at home. He really hates writing so fingers crossed we can help him.

The idea of an additional 45 minutes of school each week is not going to be an easy sell.

I am helping Bess look for a job that she can do alongside uni as well. It is so difficult because while she will most definitely need the money, I don’t want her to overstretch herself and not be able to study for her course.

This weeks meals are a bit up in the air with not really knowing who will be around, I have a couple of Hello Fresh meals so at least there will be SOME tasty grub!

This week in food 

Monday: Chinese Beef Noodles and Teriyaki Bao

Tuesday: Chicken Korma with Cucumber and Tomato salad and mini Poppadoms

Wednesday: Beef Koftas with Wedges and Salad

Thursday: Chicken and feta salad

Friday: Meatballs and Roasted Vegetables

Saturday: Pizza for them, Salmon salad for me

Sunday: Roast chicken and vegetables.

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